City Hope exists to love and serve God, our community and our world. As a diverse family of believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we want to share the great news of Jesus and orientate our lives around his teaching. Whoever you are, we’d love to welcome you to City Hope on a Sunday. We serve coffee from 10:00 – 10:20am and start our worship service at 10:30am.
News and events

James: Practical Everyday Faith #10, Rebecca Whittlesea
Rebecca finished our series in the letter from James, with an invitation to prayer.

James: Practical Everyday Faith #9, Mick Channon
Mick spoke on Sunday 16th March from James 5:7-12. Patience is possible because we know […]
James: Practical Everyday Faith #8, Chris Nicholson
Chris looked at the warnings of James against the impulse to hoarde our wealth for […]
We meet every Sunday at 10:30am, and serve tea and coffee
before the service between 10am and 10:20am.