Week of Prayer
Each January and September, City Hope holds a week of prayer to start the calendar and the academic year respectively.
This January our week of prayer begins on the 22nd January and runs through to the 28th. Here are the dates for your diary: please make a note of them and get involved as much as you can!
Sunday 22nd January – All together prayer 7:00-8:30pm
Monday-Friday – 7:00-8:00am
Tuesday – Family prayer for those with primary school aged kids 4:00pm
Wednesday – Prayer in Connect groups or at City Hope at 8:00pm (for those not in Connect groups)
Friday – Worship and prayer 8pm-midnight
Also, our Dr Sharpe room will be open for individual or group prayer from 10am until 4pm Tuesday to Friday.
All prayer meetings are at City Hope church, 121 Drummond Road, SE16 2JY.
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash